Make CBAM Compliance your unique selling point!
Make sure you are so much better in CBAM Compliance that it becomes a cost-saving activity compared to your competitors. Dynamic capabilities are a company’s ability to adapt and innovate in response to changes, for example the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. They involve skills, processes, and organizational structures that enable firms to renew themselves. These capabilities are crucial for thriving in dynamic environments. We can help you to achieve such advantage.
Top 7 benefits of Dubrink’s CBAM Platform
In the intricate realm of CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), importers face a labyrinth of rules and regulations. Investing in advanced tools is crucial to ensure compliance and streamline the process. Dubrink offers a comprehensive solution: The CBAM Compliance Software and Data Collection Tool, guiding importers and suppliers through the CBAM documentation process while ensuring accurate data collection and reporting.
Dubrink’s CBAM Compliance Software provides importers a robust platform to manage CBAM compliance quickly and efficiently. Here are some features and benefits:
1. Automated Data Collection: Our data collection tool automates gathering CBAM-related data from suppliers and sub-suppliers, saving importers valuable time and resources. Importers can request data from suppliers and their sub-suppliers on the top level, meaning simply the inputs together with proof. On the other hand, the importer can request data, including the calculation behind it. Our platform simplifies the steps for the suppliers and guides them through the process.
2. Step-by-Step Guidance: Our software guides importers and suppliers through the CBAM documentation process with clear instructions and intuitive interfaces that simplify form filling and minimize the chance of errors.
3. Tailored Support: We understand that every business has unique needs when it comes to CBAM compliance. Our software offers tailored support to your company’s specific requirements and industry.
4. Transparency and Collaboration: Our software simplifies the CBAM documentation process and promotes a culture of transparency and collaboration between importers and suppliers, resulting in a smoother and more effective reporting process.
5. Precise Analysis and Reporting: Our tool’s advanced analysis features enable importers to thoroughly analyze CBAM-related data and generate accurate reports for compliance purposes.
6. Data validation: Submitted data from suppliers could be false. This is unpleseant for both supplier and importer. Therefore we offer a validation and a dashboard where importers and suppliers can monitor if all the requested data has been submitted.
7. Real-time Monitoring: Our data collection tool provides importers with real-time monitoring of CBAM-related data, allowing them to quickly respond to market changes and identify and address potential compliance issues.
By leveraging Dubrink’s CBAM Compliance Software and Data Collection Tool, importers can optimize their CBAM compliance processes, improve efficiency, and strengthen their competitive position in an increasingly complex world of regulations and compliance.
CBAM Compliance Platform

Smart Compliance Reporting
“A unique, innovative data tool.”
Submit Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism reports effortlessly with just one click, as suppliers are guided through the process within the system, minimizing errors and simplifying the overall procedure. Invite suppliers and their sub-suppliers, aided by our platform, to submit their emissions, proof and calculations.

Mitigate Importer Risks
Dubrink’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism platform minimizes importer risks by enforcing transparency, supplier accountability, comprehensive auditing, and rigorous validation. These measures ensure accurate emission data, reducing the potential for penalties and compliance issues.

Intuitive Data Entry
Dubrink’s platform is designed to streamline workflow by automating data entry. It proactively fills in supplier information, saving you valuable time and minimizing errors. Say goodbye to tedious manual data input and hello to a smoother, more accurate process. Experience the future of compliance management with Dubrink!

AI CBAM Consultant
“Dubrink’s platform shields us from risks.”
Leverage Dubrink’s AI consultant for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism inquiries. Our AI navigates complex legislation, providing swift and accurate answers, saving you time and consulting fees. Access Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism knowledge instantly. The perfect guide for importer, supplier and representative.

Audit Archive Platform
“our backbone during inspections”
Even after suppliers have moved on, our system preserves every detail for your historical records and audit readiness. With Dubrink’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Compliance Software, you can access critical insights and information whenever you need them. Partner with Dubrink today and experience the confidence that comes from knowing your data is in safe hands for the long haul.

Easy Supplier Communication
“Using it is a breeze!”
Connect seamlessly with third-country suppliers using Dubrink’s compliance Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism software. Access our global supplier database for easy identification and integration of non-EU suppliers’ CBAM data. Our platform empowers suppliers to input relevant CBAM data directly, while providing automated reminders and status dashboards for import and supplier monitoring.

Why we take your suppliers by the hand?
Supplier mistakes can lead to serious consequences for importers, such as penalties from the European Commission. Suppliers must provide evidence and calculations, which our platform validates. If there are any issues, we notify the importer promptly to protect importers. Our proactive approach helps importers comply with regulations and avoid penalties, maintaining their business integrity and financial stability.
Gemakkelijk CBAM Rapporteren
Platform Ondersteuning
Wij bieden ondersteuning bij het gebruik van het platform zodat u probleemloos kunt rapporteren.
Gebruiks vriendeliijk
Dubrink biedt een gebruiksvriendelijke interface zodat u de juiste keuzes maakt.
CBAM Consultants
Dubrink biedt een uitgebreid netwerk van getalenteerde CBAM-specialisten om u te ondersteunen.
Rapporteer in minuten
Moeiteloze CBAM-rapporteren. In een paar minuten is uw CBAM-rapportage klaar.
Efficiënte automatisering van gegevensverzameling en rapportage om tijd en middelen te besparen.
Verminder uw risico's
Dubrink helpt u CBAM gerelateerde risico's te verlagen. Nu en in de toekomst tijdens controles.
Data Beveiliging
Dubrink hanteert hoge standaarden om uw gegevens te beschermen en een veilige werkomgeving te bieden.
Flexibel en Schaalbaar
Dubrink biedt een platform dat zich aanpast aan uw behoeften en schaalbaar is.
Betaal naar gebruik
Dubrink biedt een kostenefficiënte structuur. U betaalt naar gelang u het platform gebruikt. Wel zo eerlijk.