Report CBAM in just a few clicks

Your one-stop shop for CBAM reporting: quick, easy, and affordable. Collect data from suppliers effortlessly. 


Collect, calculate, validate, and report supplier emissions data in one go!

Dubrink CBAM compliance software is the platform for importers, suppliers, and consultants, ensuring comprehensive and correct CBAM data. 
Minimize the risk of facing penalties. Book a demo today!


Why Dubrink’s CBAM Platform is different?

Under CBAM, importers are obligated to acquire accurate data reflecting the correct factory setup (including installations and processes) and calculate data according to the calculation method desired by the EU.

Dubrink’s Intelligent CBAM Platform manages the request, calculation, validation, mapping, submission, and storage of emission data, ensuring that evidence can be readily provided during audits years later.

Dubrink’s platform is a unique platform that guides both importers and suppliers through the CBAM process in a seamless manner that is fully compliant with EU regulations.


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cbam compliance help

Skip the Communication Template

Dubrink revolutionized the process of filling CBAM data. Both suppliers and importers say Dubrink’s software makes filing CBAM data incredibly easy. We see that suppliers will gladly provide the information which importers need.

Furthermore, Dubrink’s software provides a significant advantage to suppliers. By uploading their data once, they can effortlessly share it with multiple importers, saving them a tremendous amount of time and effort. Once the installations and processes are ready, it’s a matter of click and share!

Smooth and intuitive interface

The Dubrink CBAM Compliance Platform offers a user-friendly interface designed to cater to both importers and suppliers with utmost simplicity. By eliminating the complexities often associated with the Excel sheets provided by the European Commission, the platform significantly reduces the time spent on compliance tasks.

We’ve observed a notable increase in supplier cooperation and willingness to provide data, which is attributed to the platform’s intuitive nature. With Dubrink’s CBAM Compliance Software, importers and suppliers find navigating compliance requirements a seamless experience.

Indirect Emission Calculator

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Categories covered by CBAM


aluminium cbam



Iron & Steel

hydrogen cbam


electricity CBAM


cbam fertilizer


Go beyond factory borders

Precursor Information CBAM

… and mitigate risks

Through an intuitive process of visually reconstructing factory installations, processes, and emissions, suppliers empower importers with a clear visual mapping of their CBAM processes,  including documents of proof.

Mapping the process is essential for ensuring proper proof during future audits.

Effortlessly collect CBAM data

Aluminium Products CBAM

Validate and store supplier data

EU CBAM proof suppliers

"The Platform is brilliant as it allows us to connect with all our suppliers all over the world”

Dominik Mikula

"With Dubrink, suppliers seem to be pretty OK providing the data we ask them for." 

Sabina den Brinker

"The Dubrink platform saves us a tremendous amount of time calculating our emissions." 

Jaroslav Gorochovsky