Can operators choose an alternative reporting period?

Yes, operators may choose an alternative reporting period of at least three months if the installation participates in an eligible MRV system, and the reporting period coincides with the requirements of that MRV system. For instance:

– If the installation is subject to a mandatory carbon pricing scheme or GHG reporting scheme with a compliance obligation, the reporting period of that scheme may be used if it covers at least three months.

– If the installation participates in monitoring and reporting for another monitoring scheme, such as a GHG emission reduction project, the reporting period of the applicable MRV rules may be used if it is at least three months.

Dubrink’s CBAM Compliance Platform simplifies the complex process of requesting, receiving, validating, calculating, storing, and submitting CBAM data for importers and suppliers. As the go-to platform, we provide robust support to streamline these operations, ensuring efficiency and compliance without the hassle.

Need assistance in distinguishing your CBAM codes from the CN codes in your import history or planned imports? Make use of the CBAM Identifier tool for free.

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