Is the communication template Excel file mandatory?

More specifically, Is it mandatory to use the communication template Excel file?

No, using the communication template is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended by the European Commission. At Dubrink we believe the excel file is unnecessary complicated and hard to grasp for the average supplier abroad. We therefore advise you to use the Dubrink platform.

The communication template, however, is a tool for operators to calculate the embedded emissions in CBAM goods accurately. It follows the methodology outlined in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1773, ensuring that all relevant source streams, emission sources, electricity consumption, and precursors are accounted for in the calculation process.

The template includes a worksheet titled ‘Summary_Communication,’ which consolidates all necessary information for the reporting declarant. This feature enhances communication between third-country producers and importers (or their representatives), streamlining the reporting process and ensuring compliance with CBAM regulations.

For efficient and precise reporting, Dubrink’s CBAM compliance software offers comprehensive support. With Dubrink’s platform you don’t need the Excel file anymore.

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