What is the CBAM transitional reporting period for importers?

More specifically: What is the reporting period for importers during the CBAM transitional period?

During the transitional period, importers, also known as reporting declarants, must submit quarterly reports. These reports cover specific timeframes, with the first quarterly report spanning from October to December 2023 and the last quarterly report covering October to December 2025

The permanent CBAM system will be implemented starting on January 1, 2026, necessitating financial adjustments through the acquisition of certificates. Free allowances allocated to sectors covered by the EU ETS will be gradually phased out by 2034, which will commence in 2026. Until this phase-out is complete, the CBAM will exclusively apply to emissions not eligible for free allowances under the EU ETS, ensuring full compliance with the regulations set forth by the World Trade Organization.

Need assistance in distinguishing your CBAM codes from the CN codes in your import history or planned imports? Make use of the CBAM Identifier tool for free.

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