Does CBAM apply to goods in free circulation?

The release of goods for free circulation requires compliance with CBAM requirements. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that these requirements are met before goods are released for free circulation.

In cases of non-compliance, Article 198(1)(b) of the Union Customs Code (UCC) applies, allowing customs authorities to take necessary measures, such as confiscation, sale, or destruction of goods subject to prohibitions or restrictions, including CBAM requirements.

Additionally, Article 198(2) of the UCC applies, considering non-Union goods that have been abandoned to the State, seized, or confiscated as placed under the customs warehousing procedure.

And remember, Dubrink’s CBAM platform offers comprehensive tools to streamline CBAM compliance effortlessly! If you want to know if your goods are CBAM goods, please use the Free CBAM Identifier.

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