Can the same goods category apply to both final products and precursors in CBAM?

Yes, the same goods category can be applicable to both the final product and the precursor used to produce that product in specific sectors like iron and steel, aluminium, and fertilizers. This means that goods categories identified for CBAM reporting may encompass both the finished goods and the materials used in their production processes. It’s important for reporting declarants to recognize this dual applicability when gathering and reporting data for CBAM compliance.

Dubrink’s CBAM Compliance Platform is the ultimate solution for importers and suppliers. It offers invaluable support in effortlessly managing CBAM data. From submission requests, our platform simplifies tasks such as validation, calculation, and storage, ensuring a smooth and compliant process at every step.

Want to pinpoint your CBAM codes amidst the array of CN codes in your import records? Utilize the CBAM Identifier at absolutely no charge.

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