Which third countries fall under the scope of the CBAM?

The CBAM encompasses imports of goods from all non-EU countries. However, exceptions exist for third countries participating in the EU ETS or having a linked emission trading system to prevent double payment of carbon prices for the same product. Notably, European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland members are excluded from the CBAM.

Regarding electricity imports, the CBAM applies to electricity generated in and imported from third countries. However, exemptions may apply for countries wishing to integrate their electricity markets with the EU, provided they meet specific obligations and commitments. Exemptions will be reviewed in 2030 to ensure partner countries have implemented agreed decarbonization measures and established an emissions trading system equivalent to the EU’s.

Dubrink’s CBAM compliance software simplifies reporting requirements for efficient compliance with CBAM regulations, ensuring importers fulfill their obligations seamlessly. Dubrink’s CBAM identifier also helps verify whether products are subject to CBAM regulations.

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