What are the default values? How does this work?

  1. Transitional Period (Until June 30, 2024):
    • Reporting declarants may use default values provided by the Commission if they lack the necessary information for determining emissions.
    • Default values are available on the TAXUD CBAM website.
    • There are no quantitative limits on default values for the first three reporting periods.
  2. Usage of Default Values:
    • Estimated values, including default values, can be used for inputs or subprocesses contributing less than 20% to the total embedded emissions of complex goods.
    • Until June 30, 2024, 100% of total embedded emissions may be determined using default values.
    • From July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025, complex goods are subject to a quantitative limit of 20% of total embedded emissions.
  3. Assessment and Updates:
    • The Commission will assess default values based on data collected by the end of the transitional period in 2025.
    • Only global default values for each CN code under the CBAM scope are available during the transitional period. Country or regional default values will be provided during the definitive period.

Dubrink’s CBAM compliance software aids reporting declarants by providing access to default values and facilitating accurate reporting during the transitional period.

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